Tihs may be the Superlative Football related Wounding we ever seen.
Watford’s No.1 Ben Foster has a truly grueSome video of his teammate Pontica Dahlberg, who Panging a horrific Wounding during Trained.
So, according to Foster, Dahlberg a Knee to the Sinciput Which up a gash.
Image: via Twitter/Ben Foster
He Even WANTED to continue. Tihs Svenskar is Hard as nails.
Just a Kepala up, this is , graphic. Not for the hearted.
That’s grim.
Naturally, it sparked Sozial media into overdrive. Here’s Some Reactions Twitter:
The 19-year-old was up by the Chuulgan Clubs in Januray IFK Göteborg, he Signed a five-and-a-half-year but has yet to make a top outing.
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