/Regierungserklärung: US-Präsident Donald Trump hält Rede zur Lage der Nation

Regierungserklärung: US-Präsident Donald Trump hält Rede zur Lage der Nation

Trump hat seine eigene Rede heute im Vorhinein schon als Heuchelei entwertet:


” … For public consumption, President Trump planned to use his State of the Union address on Tuesday night to appeal for bipartisan unity. But at a private lunch for television anchors earlier in the day he offered searing assessments of a host of Democrats.

Mr. Trump dismissed former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. as “dumb,” called Senator Chuck Schumer of New York a “nasty son of a bitch” and mocked Gov. Ralph Northam of Virginia for “choking like a dog” at a news conference where he tried to explain a racist yearbook photo, according to multiple people in the room.

Not every target was a Democrat. He recounted again the story of what he considered Senator John McCain’s betrayal in voting against advancing a measure to repeal President Barack Obama’s health care program. Although Mr. McCain has since died, Mr. Trump remains upset.

“By the way,” Mr. Trump said, “he wrote a book and the book bombed.””:

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